Marketing Strategy
In 2022, the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) engaged Syntax Strategic to deliver an experiential marketing campaign for its new Mental Health and Sport Resource Hub, part of a two-year, $2.4M project funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The campaign, Mental Health is Our Sport, aimed to increase mental health literacy among coaches at all levels of sport across Canada, with an emphasis on supporting coaches and leaders in communities identified as the most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our Role
Syntax developed an experiential marketing strategy, including creative concepts, a portable booth, interactive activities, and marketing collateral. Syntax provided on-site support and managed all aspects of staffing, including training teams of ambassadors who engaged with the public and promoted the project. Using local staffing firms, Syntax managed all aspects of training and staffing teams of ambassadors who engaged with the public and promoted the project. Syntax identified and tracked KPIs to measure the reach and impact at each event. We worked as an extension of the CAC team and coordinated with partner agencies and local organizing committees to support the project.
The first activation took place during the Arctic Winter Games in Wood Buffalo, AB, where over 3,300 coaches, athletes, and spectators were engaged at the booth and by mobile ambassador teams, who gave out more than 4,000 pieces of marketing collateral. The second event was the 2023 Canada Winter Games in Prince Edward Island, the largest event in PEI’s history with over 3,600 participants. Our ambassadors engaged with over 4,800 people over a two-week period. This is an ongoing campaign with events through March 2024, including the National Aboriginal Hockey Championships, the North American Indigenous Games, the Petro-Canada Sport Leadership sportif Conference, and other national and regional sport events across Canada.